African Bird Atlas Project

South Africa, eSwatini, Lesotho, Namibia, Zimbabwe, Zambia, Botswana, Mozambique, Malawi, Nigeria, Sénégal, Kenya, Sierra Leone, Liberia, Ghana, Uganda

a member of the African Bird Atlas Project

Bibliography of papers and reports that use SABAP2/BirdMap



Wesson, J., Wesson, J., Balt, R., and Balt, M. , 2024 Birds of the Magaliesberg Biosphere,

Wesson, J., Wesson, J. Balt, R and Balt, M. , 2024 Birds of the Magaliesberg Biosphere.,

Whittington- Jones C., Davidson I, 2024 Birds of Suikerbosrand Nature Reserve,

Daniel,K.A., Underhill,L.G., van Rooyen, J.A., 2024 Bird atlas in action: using citizen science data to generate population trend alerts in Hessequa, South Africa. , Frontiers in Bird Science, 3 ()


Dawie de Swart, 2023 Birds of SABAP2 pentad 2915_2555 on the Jagersfontein Road, south-west of Bloemfontein, Free State., Biodiversity Observations, Vol 1 (), 196 - 203.

John Wesson; Jenny Wesson; Renier Balt; Millene Balt. , 2023 Birds of the Magaliesberg Biosphere. ,

Karis A. Daniel, Leslie G. Underhill, 2023 Temporal Dimensions of Data Quality in Bird Atlases: the Case of the Second Southern African Bird Atlas Project, Citizen Science: Theory and Practice

Lerm, R.E., Ehlers Smith, D.A., Thompson, D.I. and Downs, C.T., 2023 Human infrastructure, surface water and tree cover are important drivers of bird diversity across a savanna-protected area‑mosaic landscape., Landscape Ecology, 2023 ()

Justin J F J Jansen, Gerald Driessens, 2023 Horus Swift: identification, plumage variation and distribution, Dutch Birding, (45), 73 - 116.

Anderson T., Anderson M., 2023 Annotated Checklist Kimberley,

Cervantes, F., Murgatroyd, M., Allan, D.G., Farwig, N., Kemp, R., Krüger, S., Maude, G., Mendelsohn, J., Rösner, S., Schabo, D.G., Tate, G., Wolter, K and Amar, A., 2023 A utilization distribution for the global population of Cape Vultures (Gyps coprotheres) to guide wind energy development, Ecological Applications


Michael Brooks, Sanjo Rose, Res Altwegg, Alan TK Lee1, Henk Nel, Ulf Ottosson, Ernst Retief,-Chevonne Reynolds, Peter G Ryan, Sidney Shema, Talatu Tende, Les G Underhill andRobert L Thomson, 2022 The African Bird Atlas Project: a description of the project and BirdMap data-collection protocol, Ostrich

Lee, Alan, 2022 Bird is the word, Quest, 18 (2), 11 - 13.

Gula, J., Green, M.C., Fritts, S., Dean, W.R.J. and Sundar, K.S.G., 2022 Assessments of range-wide distribution of six African storks and their relationships with protected areas., Ostrich, 93 (1)

Ringim, A.S., Muhammed, S.I., Bako, L.A., Abubakar, H.M., Isa, S.M., Nelly, D.J., Bajoga, A.A., Bunu, A.S., Adam, H.A., Jalo, I.M., Eveso, J.O., Mathew, E.D., Danmallam, B.A., Mador, U., Paul, J.I., Aminu, I., Lawal, A., Izang, J.I. and Abu, P.N., 2022 How citizen scientists are rapidly generating big distribution data: lessons from the Arewa Atlas Team, Nigerian Bird Atlas Project, Ostrich

Cervantes F, Martins M, Simmons, RE, 2022 Population viability assessment of an endangered raptor using detection/non-detection data reveals susceptibility to anthropogenic impacts., Royal Society Open Science, 9 (2)

Lee, A.T.K., Brooks, M., Underhill, L.G., 2022 The SABAP2 legacy: A review of the history and use of data generated by a long-running citizen science project., South African Journal of Science, 118 (1)


Robinson, L., Mearns, K. and McKay, T., 2021 Oliver Tambo International Airport, South Africa: Land-Use Conflicts Between Airports and Wildlife Habitats, Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution

Duckworth, G.D. and Altwegg, R., 2021 Why a landscape view is important: nearby-urban and agricultural land affects birdabundances in protected areas., PeerJ

Collett, A, 2021 Long-billed larks in the Eastern Cape., Lanioturdus, 36 (), 81 - 86.

Lee, A.T.K., 2021 Review: Effects of Climate Change on Birds (2nd Edn), Ostrich

Allport, G., 2021 Birds and birding 2013-2020 at Macaneta, southern Mozambique., Afrotropical Bird Biology, 1 (), 1 - 30.

Lee, A.T.K., Ottosson, U., Jackson, C., Shema, S., and Reynolds, C., 2021 Urban areas have lower species richness, but maintain functional diversity: insights from the African Bird Atlas Project, Ostrich

Marais, E., Peacock, F. and Allport, G., 2021 First record of Forbes-Watson's Swift Apus berliozi in southern Africa, with comments on vocal and visual identification, Bulletin of the British Ornithologists’ Club, 141 (2), 21 - 38.

Walther, B.A. and Huettmann, F., 2021 Palearctic passerine migrant declines in African wintering grounds in the Anthropocene (1970–1990 and near future): A conservation assessment using publicly available GIS predictors and machine learning, Science of the Total Environment, 777 ()

Moussy, C., Burfield, I.J., Stephenson, P.J., Newton, A.F.E., Butchart, S.H.M., Sutherland, W.J., Gregory, R.D., McRae, L., Bubb, P., Roesler, I., Ursino, C., Wu, Y., Retief, E.F., Udin, J.S., Urazaliyev, R., Sánchez-Clavijo, L.M., Lartey, E. and Donald, , 2021 A quantitative global review of species population monitoring., Conservation Biology, 1 - 14.

van Rooyen, J, 2021 Hessequa Bird Atlas Newsletter 3 – January 2021,


Shivambu, T.C., Shivambu, N. and Downs, C.T., 2020 Aspects of the feeding ecology of introduced Rose-ringed Parakeets Psittacula krameri in the urban landscape mosaic of Durban, KwaZulu-Natal Province, South Africa, J Ornithol, 162 (2), 397 - 407.

Patton, C, 2020 Grassland Owls in the Kruger National Park, The Lark, 32 (), 29 - 34.

Allport, G. A., 2020 First record of White-rumped Sandpiper for Mozambique, African Bird Club Bulletin , 27 (2), 240 - 246.

Young, D.J. and Harrison, J.A., 2020 Trends in populations of Blue Crane Anthropoides paradiseus in agricultural landscapes of Western Cape, South Africa, as measured by road counts, Ostrich, 91 (2), 158 - 168.

Patton, C, 2020 On top of the Waterberg, The Lark, 31 (), 25 - 32.

Geerts, S., Coetzee, A., Rebelo, A.G. and Pauw, A., 2020 Pollination structures plant and nectar‐feeding bird communities in Cape fynbos, South Africa: Implications for the conservation of plant–bird mutualisms, Ecological Research, 1 - 19.

Rose, S., Suri, J., Brooks, M. and Ryan, P.G. , 2020 COVID-19 and citizen science: lessons learned from southern Africa, Ostrich, 91 (2)

Patton, C, 2020 Pratincole Ponderings, The Lark, 30 (), 81 - 84.

Hauptfleisch, M., Knox, N.M., Heita, P., Aschenborn, O. and Mackenzie, M.L. , 2020 An analysis of the risk of collisions between aircraft and vultures in Namibia., Namibian Journal of Environment, 4 (), 41 - 49.

Muller, R., Amar, A., Sumasgutner, P., McPherson, S.C. and Downs, C.T., 2020 Urbanization is associated with increased breeding rate, but decreased breeding success, in an urban population of near-threatened African Crowned Eagles, The Condor, 122 (), 1 - 11.

Lee, A.T.K. and Nel, H., 2020 BirdLasser: The influence of a mobile app on a citizen science project, African Zoology, 1 - 6.


Jonah, G., Weckerly, F. and Sundar, K.S.G., 2019 The first range-wide assessment of Saddle-billed Stork Ephippiorhynchus senegalensis distribution.-, Ostrich, 90 (4), 347 - 357.

Altwegg, R., and J.D. Nichols, 2019 Occupancy models for citizen-science data., Methods in Ecology and Evolution, 10 (1), 8 - 12.

Brown, M; Arendse, B; Mels, B and Lee, ATK, 2019 Bucking the trend: the African Black Oystercatcher as a recent conservation success story, Ostrich

Chamberlain DE, Henry DAW, Reynolds C, Caprio E, Amar A, 2019 The relationship between wealth and biodiversity: A test of the Luxury Effect on bird species richness in the developing world, Global Change Biology

Clark, A.E., and R. Altwegg, 2019 Efficient Bayesian analysis of occupancy models with logit link functions, Ecology and Evolution, 9 (), 756 - 768.

Craig AJ, Hulley PE, 2019 Montane forest birds in winter: do they regularly move to lower altitudes? Observations from the Eastern Cape, South Africa, Ostrich, 90 (1), 89 - 94.

de Kock, Celeste and Lee ATK , 2019 Agulhas long-billed lark (Certhilauda brevirostris) densities, population estimates and habitat association in a transformed landscape., African Zoology, 54 (3)

Howes C, Symes CT, Byholm P, 2019 Evidence of large scale range shift in the distribution of a Palaearctic migrant in Africa., Diversity and Distributions

Ivanova,Ielyzaveta M amd Symes, Craig , 2019 Invasion of Psittacula krameri in Gauteng, South Africa: are other birds impacted?, Biodiversity and Conservation, 1 - 24.

Little RM, Navarro RA, 2019 Implications of geographical range changes and resultant sympatry for three Accipiter hawks on the Cape Peninsula, South Africa, Ostrich, 90 (2), 139 - 143.

McKenzie D, Lawson P, 2019 Birds of Mbombela A Comparative Study, Birdlife Lowveld, Nelspruit

Retief, E, 2019 SABAP2 Website - A Treasure Trove of Information!, The Hornbill

Stephens, Kirstin; Measey, John; Reynolds, Chevonne;Le Roux, Johannes J., 2019 Occurrence and extent of hybridisation between the invasive Mallard Duck and native Yellow-billed Duck in South Africa, Biological Invasions, 1 - 15.

Underhill, LG, 2019 Glossy Ibis Plegadis falcinellus in South Africa, Lesotho and Swaziland, SIS Conservation, 1 (), 82 - 89.


Allport G, 2018 Notable recent records of terns, gulls and skuas in southern Mozambique including the first country records of Black Tern Chlidonias niger, Bulletin of the British Ornithologists’ Club, 138 (2), 101 - 117.

Amar, A. and Cloete, D, 2018 Quantifying the decline of the Martial Eagle Polemaetus bellicosus in South Africa, Bird Conservation International, 28 (3), 363 - 374.

Duckworth, G.D., and R. Altwegg, 2018 Effectiveness of protected areas for bird conservation depends on guild., Diversity and Distributions, 24 (), 1083 - 1091.

Ivanova, I.M. & Symes, C.T., 2018 Common Starling Sturnus vulgaris expansion in South Africa, Biodiversity Observation, 9 (9), 1 - 6.

Lee, A.T., Fleming, C. and Wright, D.R., 2018 Modelling bird atlas reporting rate as a function of density in the southern Karoo, South Africa, Ostrich, 89 (4), 363 - 372.

Spezia, L., Friel, N. and Gimona, A, 2018 Spatial hidden Markov models and species distributions, Journal of Applied Statistics, 45 (9), 1595 - 1615.

van Rooyen JA, 2018 Systematic atlasing in Hessequa - moving from mapping to monitoring., Biodiversity Observation, 9 (10), 1 - 13.


Barnard, P., Altwegg, R., Ebrahim, I. and Underhill, L.G, 2017 Early warning systems for biodiversity in southern Africa–How much can citizen science mitigate imperfect data?, Biological Conservation, 208 (), 183 - 188.

Cooper, T.J., Wannenburgh, A.M. and Cherry, M.I., 2017 Atlas data indicate forest dependent bird species declines in South Africa, Bird Conservation International, 27 (3), 337 - 354.

Hugo, S, and R. Altwegg, 2017 The second Southern African Bird Atlas Project: causes and consequences of geographical sampling bias, Ecology and Evolution, 7 (), 6839 - 6849.

Lee, A.T., Altwegg, R.E.S. and Barnard, P, 2017 Estimating conservation metrics from atlas data: the case of southern African endemic birds, Bird Conservation International, 27 (3), 323 - 336.

McKenzie DR, Underhill LG, López Gómez M, Brooks M, 2017 Bird distribution dynamics 10 - Pale-crowned Cisticola Cisticola cinnamomeus in South Africa, Biodiversity Observation, 8 (), 1 - 5.


Ainsley J, 2016 The SABAP2 “Four Degrees Blue” project: the challenge to obtain at least 11 checklists in 576 pentads, Biodiversity Observations , 7 (36), 1 - 7.

Amar A, Cloete D, Whittington M, 2016 Using independent nest survey data to validate changes in reporting rates of Martial Eagles between the Southern African Bird Atlas Project 1 and 2, Ostrich, 87 (1), 1 - 5.

Broms KM, Hooten MB, Johnson DS, Altwegg R, Conquest LL, 2016 Dynamic occupancy models for explicit colonization processes, Ecology, 97 (), 194 - 204.

Clark AE, Altwegg R, Ormerod JT, 2016 A variational Bayes approach to the analysis of occupancy models, Plos One, 11 ()

Cunningham SJ, Madden CF, Barnard, P, Amar A, 2016 Electric crows: powerlines, climate change and the emergence of a native invader, Diversity and Distributions, 22 (1), 17 - 29.

Dinkelmann, A., 2016 Riparian bird diversity of the Ndumo Game Reserve, South Africa., PhD, North-West University

Francke-Bryson U, 2016 Expanding the boundaries: Breeding range of Red-billed Firefinch Lagonosticta senegala in Namibia extended to the Atlantic coast, Biodiversity Observations, 1 - 9.

Huntley B, Collingham YC, Singarayer JS, Valdes PJ, Barnard P, Midgley GF, Altwegg R, Ohlemüller R, 2016 Explaining patterns of avian diversity and endemicity: climate and biomes of southern Africa over the last 140,000 years, Journal of Biogeography, 43 (), 874 - 886.

Lee, A.T. and Barnard, P., 2016 Endemic birds of the Fynbos biome: a conservation assessment and impacts of climate change, Bird Conservation International, 26 (1), 52 - 68.

Mangachena, J.R, 2016 Response of bird assemblages to the invasion and clearing of alien trees in the Western Cape, South Africa., PhD, Cape Peninsula University of Technology

Péron G, Altwegg R, Jamie GA, Spottiswoode C, 2016 Coupled range dynamics of brood parasites and their hosts responding to climate and vegetation changes, Journal of Animal Ecology, 85 (5)

Thorley, Jack B and Clutton-Brock, Tim, 2016 Kalahari vulture declines, through the eyes of meerkats., Ostrich, 88 (2), 177 - 181.

Underhill LG, 2016 The fundamentals of the SABAP2 protocol, Biodiversity Observations, 7 (42), 1 - 12.

Underhill LG, 2016 The fundamentals of the SABAP2 protocol., Biodiversity Observation, 7 (), 1 - 12.

Underhill LG, Brooks M, 2016 The BirdMAP protocol: bird atlasing in Africa in regions where the observer network is thin., Biodiversity Observation, 7 (), 1 - 5.

Underhill LG, Brooks M, 2016 Displaying changes in bird distributions between SABAP1 and SABAP2., Biodiversity Observation, 7 (), 1 - 12.

Underhill LG, Brooks M, 2016 SABAP2 after nine years, mid 2007 - mid 2016: coverage progress and priorities for the Second Southern African Bird Atlas Project., Biodiversity Observation, 7 (), 1 - 17.


Bussière EMS, Underhill LG, Altwegg R , 2015 Patterns of bird migration phenology in South Africa suggest northern hemisphere climate as the most consistent driver of change, Global Change Biology , 21 (), 2179 - 2190.

Davies GBP, 2015 Decrease of Coqui Francolin Peliperdix coqui (Aves: Phasianididae) in southern KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa, Novitates, 37 (), 47 - 53.

Loftie-Eaton M, 2015 Comparing reporting rates between the first and second southern African bird atlas projects, Biodiversity Observations, 1 - 11.

Marnewick MD, Retief EF, Theron NT, Wright DR, Anderson TA, 2015 Important Bird and Biodiversity Areas of South Africa, Birdlife South Africa, Johannesburg

Mashao M, Engelbrecht D, de Swardt DH, 2015 Desktop ecology: Sabota Lark Calendulauda sabota, Biodiversity Observations, 84 - 91.

Péron G, Altwegg R, 2015 Departures from the energy-biodiversity relationship in South African passerines: are the legacies of past climates mediated by behavioral constraints on dispersal?, PloS ONE, 10 ()

Péron G, Altwegg R, 2015 The abundant centre syndrome and species distributions: insights from closely related species pairs in southern Africa, Global Ecology and Biogeography, 24 (2), 215 - 225.

Péron G, Altwegg R, 2015 Low bird diversity in the Fynbos plant diversity hotspot: Quaternary legacies in the current distributions of passerine birds, Ecography, 38 (10), 992 - 997.

Péron G, Altwegg R, 2015 Twenty?five years of change in southern African passerine diversity: nonclimatic factors of change, Global change biology, 21 (9), 3347 - 3355.

Seymour CL, Simmons RE, Joseph GS, Slingsby JA, 2015 On bird functional diversity: species richness and functional differentiation show contrasting responses to rainfall and vegetation structure in an arid landscape, Ecosystems, 18 (), 971 - 984.

Taylor MR, Peacock F, Wanless RM (eds), 2015 The 2015 Eskom Red Data Book of birds of South Africa, Lesotho and Swaziland, Birdlife South Africa, Johannesburg

Thomas HL, Hockey PA, Cumming GS, 2015 Solving the challenges of monitoring mobile populations: insights from studies of waterbirds in southern Africa, Ostrich, 86 (1-2), 169 - 178.

Walther BA, van Niekerk A, 2015 Effects of climate change on species turnover and body mass frequency distributions of South African bird communities, African Journal of Ecology, 53 (1), 25 - 35.

Wright DR, Underhill LG, Keene, M, Knight AT, 2015 Understanding the motivations and satisfactions of volunteers to improve the effectiveness of citizen science programs, Society & Natural Resources, 28 (9), 1013 - 1029.


Altwegg R, West AG, Gillson L, Midgley GF., 2014 Impacts of climate change in the Greater Cape Floristic Region, In: Allsopp N, Colville JF, Verboom GA (eds) Fynbos: Ecology, Evolution and Conservation of a Megadiverse Region. Oxford University Press, Oxford, 299 - 320.

Broms KM, Johnson DS, Altwegg R, Conquest LL, 2014 Spatial occupancy models applied to atlas data show Southern Ground Hornbills strongly depend on protected areas, Ecological Applications, 24 (), 363 - 374.

Cizek, Anthony, 2014 A more complete distribution of the Cinnamon-Breasted tit in Southern Africa, Honeyguide, 60 (1), 21 - 29.

Collingham YC, Huntley B, Altwegg R, Barnard P, Beveridge OS, Gregory RD, Mason LR, Oschadleus HD, Simmons RE, Willis SG, Green RE, 2014 Prediction of mean adult survival rates of southern African birds from demographic and ecological covariates, Ibis, 156 (), 741 - 754.

de Swardt, D.H., 2014 Bird distribution changes in the Lydenburg area, Mpumalanga (2530AB Lydenburg and 2530BA Long Tom Pass) using SABAP data to compare with historical data: a period since the 1980s, Biodiversity Observations, 431 - 449.

Hofmeyr SD, Symes CT, Underhill LG, 2014 Secretarybird Sagittarius serpentarius population trends and ecology: insights from South African citizen science data, PloS one, 9 (5)

Huntley B, Midgley GF, Barnard P, Valdes PJ, 2014 Suborbital climatic variability and centres of biological diversity in the Cape region of southern Africa, Journal of Biogeography, 41 (7), 1338 - 1351.

Loftie-Eaton, Megan, 2014 Geographic range dynamics of South Africa’s bird species., MSc, University of Cape Town

Oschadleus HD, 2014 Range limits of the Sociable Weaver, Biodiversity Observations, 6 (), 19 - 23.

Symes CT, 2014 Founder populations and the current status of exotic parrots in South Africa, Ostrich, 85 (3), 235 - 244.

Underhill LG, Brooks M, 2014 Preliminary summary of changes in bird distributions between the First and Second Southern African Bird Atlas Projects (SABAP1 and SABAP2), Biodiversity Observations, 5 (), 258 - 293.

Underhill LG, Spiby J, Fox G, 2014 SABAP2 shows that the Common Myna Acridotheres tristis is using the towns and villages as stepping stones to spread across South Africa, Biodiversity Observations, 5 (), 453 - 456.


Bled, F., Nichols, J.D. and Altwegg, R., 2013 Dynamic occupancy models for analyzing species' range dynamics across large geographic scales., Ecology and evolution, 3 (15), 4896 - 4909.

Broms, KM., 2013 Using presence-absence data on areal units to model the ranges and range shifts of select South African bird species., PhD Dissertation. University of Washington, Seattle, Washington, USA

Cloete, D., 2013 Investigating the declines of the Martial Eagles in South Africa., MSc, University of Cape Town

Cunningham, S.J., Kruger, A.C., Nxumalo, M.P. and Hockey, P.A., 2013 Identifying biologically meaningful hot-weather events using threshold temperatures that affect life-history., PloS one, 8 (12)

Huntley B, Allen JRM, Barnard P, Collingham YC, Holliday PR., 2013 Species’ distribution models indicate contrasting late Quaternary histories for southern and northern hemisphere bird species, Global Ecology and Biogeography, 22 (), 277 - 288.

Madden, Chrissie, 2013 Understanding the impacts of corvids on biodiversity., MSc, University of Cape Town

Retief EF, 2013 Pienaarsrivier-Analysis of SABAP1 and SABAP2 data for the quarter degree square., Biodiversity Observations, 107 - 118.

Van der Niet, T., Pirie, M.D., Shuttleworth, A., Johnson, S.D. and Midgley, J.J., 2013 Do pollinator distributions underlie the evolution of pollination ecotypes in the Cape shrub Erica plukenetii?., Annals of botany, 113 (2), 301 - 316.


Altwegg R, Broms K, Erni B, Barnard P, Midgley GF, Underhill LG, 2012 Novel methods reveal shifts in migration phenology of barn swallows in South Africa, Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences, 279 (1733), 1485 - 1490.

Carter, J., 2012 Somerset West-SABAP1 and SABAP2 compared, Biodiversity Observations, 253 - 267.

Cizek, A.F., 2012 Identifying fine resolution variation in bird habitats in south-central Africa: towards a habitat map for the Gosho Park interfluve, Marondera, Honeyguide, 58 (1), 27 - 52.

Cizek, A.F., 2012 New records of some species in quarter-degree-squares along the southern edge of the Zimbabwean Plateau, and how can we improve distribution models. , Honeyguide, 58 (2), 126 - 130.

de Swardt DH, 2012 Hagesdam – SABAP1 and SABAP2 compared. , Biodiversity Observations, 3 (), 109 - 122.

Hofmeyr, Sally, 2012 Impacts of environmental change on large terrestrial bird species in South Africa: insights from citizen science data., PhD, University of Cape Town

Huntley B, Altwegg R, Barnard P, Collingham YC, Hole DG., 2012 Modelling relationships between species spatial abundance patterns and climate., Global Ecology and Biogeography , 21 (), 668 - 681.

Huntley B, Barnard P., 2012 Potential impacts of climatic change on southern African birds of fynbos and grassland biodiversity hotspots, Diversity and Distributions, 18 (), 769 - 781.

Lee, A.T.K. & Barnard, P., 2012 Endemic Fynbos avifauna: comparative range declines a cause for concern, Biodiversity Observations, 3 (), 19 - 28.

McKenzie D, 2012 Reporting rate comparisons for birds in the Nelspruit area – SABAP1 vs SABAP2, Biodiversity Observations, 2 (), 22 - 31.

Mostert, Esther A, 2012 Prioritising bird species of special concern for monitoring and conservation action in protected areas., MSc, University of Cape Town

Underhill, L.G., Harebottle, D.M. and Brooks, M., 2012 Second Southern African Bird Atlas Project (SABAP2): Progress report to 6 December 2012, Biodiversity Observations, 243 - 250.


Bonnevie BT, 2011 Some considerations when comparing SABAP 1 with SABAP 2 data, Ostrich, 82 (2), 161 - 162.

Jenkins AR, 2011 Olyven Kolk PV solar power plant: Bird impact assessment, Report to ERM Southern Africa.

McKenzie DR, 2011 Reporting rate comparisons for birds in the Nelspruit area – SABAP1 vs SABAP2, Biodiversity Observation, 2 (), 22 - 31.

Simmons R, 2011 Apparent north-west range extension of blue cranes in South Africa, Biodiversity Observations, 3 - 5.

Wright, Dale, 2011 Evaluating a citizen science research programme: understanding the people who make it possible., MSc, with distinction, University of Cape Town


Huntley B, Barnard P, Altwegg R, Chambers L, Coetzee BWT, Gibson L, Hockey PAR, Hole DG, Midgley GF, Underhill LG, Willis SG , 2010 Beyond bioclimatic envelopes: Dynamic species’ range and abundance modelling in the context of climatic change, Ecography, 33 (), 671 - 626.

Robertson, M.P., Cumming, G.S. and Erasmus, B.F.N., 2010 Getting the most out of atlas data, Diversity and Distributions, 16 (3), 363 - 375.

Strugnell, L., 2010 KUDU DORSTFONTEIN 132KV SPECIALIST AVIFAUNAL ASSESSMENT, Bird assessment report.


Coetzee BW, Robertson MP, Erasmus BF, Van Rensburg BJ, Thuiller W, 2009 Ensemble models predict Important Bird Areas in southern Africa will become less effective for conserving endemic birds under climate change, Global Ecology and Biogeography, 18 (6), 701 - 710.

van Rensburg BJ, Levin N, Kark S., 2009 Spatial congruence between ecotones and range-restricted species: implications for conservation biogeography at the sub-continental scale, Diversity and Distributions, 15 (), 379 - 389.

van Schaik, Hanneke J, 2009 Impact of elephants (Loxodonta africana) on bird diversity in southern Africa., MSc, University of Wagening


Harrison, J.A; UnderhilI, L.G; Barnard, P, 2008 The seminal legacy of the Southern African Bird Atlas Project, South African Journal of Science, 104 (3-4)

Potgieter D, Brown M, Downs CT, 2008 Is commercial Protea farming causing a change in the seasonal range of Gurney's Sugarbird Promerops gurneyi in the KwaZulu-Natal Midlands, South Africa?, Ostrich-Journal of African Ornithology, 79 (1), 61 - 66.

Wilson JW, Van Rensburg BJ, Ferguson JWH, Keith M, 2008 The relative importance of environment, human activity and space in explaining species richness of South African bird orders, Journal of Biogeography, 35 (2), 342 - 352.


Engelbrecht D, Grosel J, Dippenaar S, 2007 The western population of Short-clawed Lark Certhilauda chuana in South Africa revisited, Bulletin of the African Bird Club, 14 (), 58 - 61.

Erni B, Altwegg R, Underhill LG, 2007 An index to compare geographical distributions of species, Diversity and Distributions, 13 (), 829 - 835.

Greve, M., 2007 Avifaunal responses to environmental conditions and land-use changes in South Africa: diversity, composition and body size., MSc, Stellenbosch University

McCann K, Theron LJ, Morrison K, 2007 Conservation priorities for the Blue Crane (Anthropoides paradiseus) in South Africa—the effects of habitat changes on distribution and numbers, Ostrich-Journal of African Ornithology, 78 (2), 205 - 211.

McPherson JM, Jetz W, 2007 Effect of species’ ecology on the accuracy of distribution models, Ecography, 30 (), 135 - 151.

McPherson JM, Jetz W, 2007 Type and spatial structure of distribution data and the perceived determinants of geographical gradients in ecology: the species richness of African birds, Global Ecology and Biogeography

Peacock DS, van Rensburg BJ, Robertson MP, 2007 The distribution and spread of the invasive alien common myna, Acridotheres tristis L.(Aves: Sturnidae), in southern Africa, South African Journal of Science, 103 (), 11 - 12.

Smallie, J., 2007 BIRD IMPACT ASSESSMENT STUDY Malelane Substation and associated 275kV Transmission Power Line Turn-ins,

van Rooyen, C., 2007 Matimba-Dinaledi 400kV. Bird impact assessment study.,


Evans KL, Rodrigues ASL, Chown SL, Gaston KJ, 2006 Protected areas and regional avian species richness in South Africa, Biology Letters, 2 (), 184 - 188.

Evans KL, van Rensburg BJ, Gaston KJ, Chown SL, 2006 People, species richness and human population growth, Global Ecology and Biogeography, 15 (), 625 - 636.

Froneman A, 2006 Bird impact assessment study bird helicopter interaction–the Bitou River.,

Oschadleus HD, Underhill LG, 2006 Range expansion of the Redbilled Quelea, Quelea quelea, into the Western Cape, South Africa, South African Journal of Science, 102 (), 12 - 14.


Bonn A, Gaston KJ, 2005 Capturing biodiversity: selecting priority areas for conservation using different criteria, Biodiversity and Conservation, 14 (), 1083 - 1100.

Hockey PAR, Dean WRJ, Ryan PG (eds), 7th ed, 2005 Roberts birds of southern Africa, Cape Town: John Voelcker Bird Book Fund

McPherson, Jana, 2005 Investigating the utility of correlative distribution models to conservation science and macroecology., PhD, University of Oxford


Bonn A, Storch D, Gaston KJ, 2004 Structure of the species-energy relationship, Proceedings of the Royal Society, London B, 271 (), 1685 - 1691.

Fairbanks DHK, 2004 Regional land-use impacts affecting avian richness patterns in southern Africa – insights from historical avian atlas data, Ecosystems and Environment, 101 (), 269 - 288.

Lennon JJ, Koleff P, Greenwood JJD, Gaston KJ, 2004 Contribution of rarity and commonness to patterns of species richness, Ecology Letters, 7 (), 81 - 87.

McPherson JM, Jetz W, Rogers DJ, 2004 The effects of species’ range sizes on the accuracy of distribution models: ecological phenomenon or statistical artefact?, Journal of Applied Ecology, 41 (), 811 - 823.

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